Viceroy Auto Trans LLC
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December 21, 2024
Hi there Snowbird!
If you are reading this, its most likely because you are tired of the snow and are looking for a way out with your car. You could also have family you want to visit in a warmer state and pick the winter season to do it. In most cases, you are running from the snow but do not want to drive your vehicle anywhere far. Auto Transport Winter Season
Having your car transported to your destination is a great idea because it avoids you having to rent a car, depend on rides from family and friends or using a ride share service like Uber [1] or Lyft [2]. Its always best to have your own vehicle. This gives you complete controls of your time spent in your warmer location.
Why Snowbirds Use Auto Transport During Winter
A snowbird might hire a car shipper for several reasons, especially when they are migrating between their winter and summer residences.
Here are the key reasons why a snowbird would opt for a car shipping service:
Common Questions about Snowbird Auto Transport
Hiring a car shipper offers snowbirds a hassle-free and efficient way to transport their vehicle between their winter and summer residences, allowing them to enjoy a smooth transition without the stress of driving or worrying about the condition of their car. If you are a snowbird and need your vehicle transported, here are a few things to know about shipping a car south for the cold winter season.
What types of car carriers are available during winter?
Both open car carriers and enclosed car trailers are available for all south bound routes from most northern states. Enclosed transport is recommended for the high end vehicles, classic cars, antique automobiles while the open transport option is the more commonly used so expect prices to ship a car to be more affordable.
Why does car shipping during snowbird season cost more?
There are many other snowbirds heading south for the winter. This means the volume for traffic on orders is usually high industry wide. This causes the supply and demand factor to kick in. The more the service is demanded, the less available space on carriers which may drive the price up in most scenarios. Expect to pay about $200-500 more than average car shipping rates due to availability. This usually begins in October and ends by May of the following year.
Will there be any delays due to snow?
Expect possible delays due to icy roads and traffic. The main objective is safety, not only for the driver but for your vehicle as well. Auto transport carrier drivers have to maneuver carefully when they are under heavy snow to avoid an accident. Add loading a vehicle and securing it down to a steel trailer in cold weather to the mix and there are bound to be a little delays. The driver is only human. The faster they do it, the faster they get paid. They do the best they can.
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Viceroy Auto Trans LLC
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