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Snowbird Season Savings: Going towards the cold during the winter saves you money - Cheapest Ways2/6/2025
When it comes to shipping your car, timing can make all the difference in the cost. One of the best times to transport a vehicle at the lowest possible price (believe it or not) is during the Snowbird Season.
With fewer people moving north as many escape the cold by heading south, the northbound routes leave carriers empty causing a low demand. By timing your transport to head the opposite direction of the snowbird migration, you can save significantly on your vehicle shipment.
Save Money During Snowbird SeasonSnowbird Rush vs. Opposite Direction
Snowbirds are individuals who migrate seasonally between colder northern states and warmer southern destinations, with peak movement happening in the winter months. Many people from places like the Northeast and Midwest head to Florida, Arizona, and other warmer states, resulting in an influx of cars being transported south. This high demand causes shipping prices to rise during the snowbird season. [1][2]
The snowbird season typically lasts from October through April, with peak periods occurring in December and January. This is when auto transport companies experience their busiest times and prices are at their highest.
On the other hand, going Against Snowbird Season refers to the direction when fewer vehicles are heading north as most are heading south during the winter months. This is the best time to ship a car at a lower cost due to reduced demand.
Going Opposite of Snowbird Migration Saves You Money
Transporting a vehicle in the opposite direction of the snowbird flow, such as from southern states to the northern regions during the winter, can be especially cost-effective. During the Snowbird Season, there are fewer cars heading north, as more vehicles are being shipped south. As a result, transport companies are eager to fill their haulers heading north and often offer more competitive pricing.
For example, let’s look at typical pricing:
Pricing Example: North to South vs. South to North
Let’s say you need to ship your car from Chicago to Miami. During the peak snowbird season in January, you may be looking at prices around $900 to $1,200 for open transport. However, if you plan your transport for the same time period for the opposite direction, when fewer people are heading north, the price can drop to $600 to $800, depending on carrier availability and route.
Transport costs from Florida to the Midwest in December could be $1,000, but going the opposite direction of Snowbird Season, the price could drop as low as $600 to $800. Why Snowbird Season is the Best Time for Savings
Several factors contribute to the cheaper rates during the Reverse Snowbird Season:
Other Tips for Saving on Auto Transport
Shipping your car northbound during the Snowbird Season, during the peak snowbird migration months, is one of the cheapest ways to transport a vehicle. By planning ahead and taking advantage of lower demand, you can secure a more affordable rate for your car shipment. Whether you’re heading north or south, timing your transport around Snowbird Season can save you hundreds of dollars, making it top choice for penny pinchers.
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